DeFi Of Thrones, you better you bet

3 min readFeb 26, 2021


New version will be soon released on Polygon (Matic)

The concept

Every week bet on your favorite Defi project and win the defeated team bets, the most you bet the most rewards you earn in $DoTx the utility token of this platform.

Once upon a time

I found out in this project in October 2020 and was proud to be part of the first beta and give some feedbacks to the team who already at this stage had delivered an awesome UX/UI experience on top of an original concept : betting on your favorite Defi project among a couple.

To do that you must buy tickets against an amount of DoTx utility tokens and put your bet on a house. To buy DoTx, very easy, just swap them on Uniswap using your Metamask wallet.

LINK vs AAVE war an epic one !

Image from

Let’s take an example, the last war I was involved in was between LINK and AAVE. Believe me or not but at this time AAVE price was around 80$ and LINK 13$ :)

I was totally confident in AAVE and put 10000 DoTx on it on the first day of the war. During the first 4 days, AAVE was crushing LINK without any hope for the marines but in the last 12 hours, the trend began to slightly flip and in the last minutes I realized this bet was gonna be my first loosy one.

Nevermind we had fun to troll each other during the whole week and I realized that the concept was as simple as exciting : you need to win your war to gain your rewards and if you lose the rewards go to your opponents wallet

High gas is coming … and new version too

This was also the period where the gas fees began to be huge and claiming your rewards began to be so expensive that the team had to reconsider the project and started to look for another infrastructure blockchain. Few weeks after DeFi Of Throne is coming back in a brand new version deployed on Polygon (formely Matic)

NFTs on OpenSea

As of today NFTs are available for The DeFi of Thrones fans. This will take the form of collectible cards that represent a DeFi project.

Of course they will be forged in limited quantity depending on its rarity, same for the price that will be indexed on this rarity.

Epic card example : UNISWAP

My feedback about this project

  • The team is a solid and loyal one and since the first day of the beta we could discuss all together on telegram about the features, the concepts and be part of DeFi Of Thrones.
  • I had a lot of fun to bet on the wars even if I would have preferred AAVE to defeat LINK 😂
  • Introducing NFT collectibles is a cool idea that will increase the community interest
  • I see DoTx above 5$ before the end of the year




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